Irvin Orthodontics

1515 W. Cornwallis Drive #105
Greensboro, NC 27408
(336) 379-1134

707 South Van Buren Road
Eden, NC 27288
(336) 627-1537

For Children and Adults

stock photo of a boy

Orthodontics for Children

Dr Irvin recommends that children be evaluated by age 7 to 8 if an orthodontic problem is identified by the child's dentist, physician or parents. Early treatment is not needed in all cases, but in some cases the benefits of early orthodontic treatment are significant, and it may make later comprehensive treatment easier or improve the overall treatment result.

By age 7 to 8 the first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in and problems such as crowding, crossbites, openbites and large overbites can be evaluated and the appropriate course of action can be determined. Early treatment can provide an opportunity to guide facial growth and the eruption of the permanent teeth. The size and shape of the dental arches can sometimes be modified to correct crossbites, provide more space for the teeth, and possibly avoid the need to remove permanent teeth later, or reduce the risk of impacted permanent teeth.

Orthodontics for Adults

Braces are not just for children and teenagers! A healthy and beautiful smile is a great asset at all ages. Adults can have tooth alignment changed at any age if the bone and gum tissues around their teeth are healthy. Orthodontic treatment in adults can have a positive impact on the health of the teeth and their supporting structures. It can also dramatically improve a person's appearance and self esteem.

About 20% of the patients in our practice are adults. Many of our adult patients are interested in a more esthetic type of appliance than the traditional metal braces. We offer transparent ceramic braces and clear aligners as options in those cases where these types of appliances can successfully correct the problem.

Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum disease and bone loss, abnomal tooth wear, muscle pain and headaches. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, or are having problems related to crooked teeth or a bad bite, call and schedule a complimentary examination today. Dr. Irvin will evaluate your situation and discuss options for the treatment of your individual needs.

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